This was the tiring, tedious part of the process; hours spent in dusty archives, following trails that dead-ended as often as not.
We left the most tedious part, flipping through the books, to the last, and did it together.
The most tedious part of any job is usually the paperwork, so if you're involved in managing the company's trade shows - be prepared!
However, this is also the most difficult and tedious part of the implementation.
"I'd like to know, what is the most tedious and painstaking part of your mission so far?"
"We've taken the tedious part out of using chestnuts," Mr. Queen said.
The instruction set and controller of processors are the most tedious and time-consuming parts to design.
Uneven beats are the most forgettable or sometimes tedious parts of a film.
Now came the tedious part.
He hated this tedious part of the proceedings.