He jabs her, mocking her singing and her tedious stories about her son.
'It's the same tedious story that we know only too well,' said Aziz, in his beautifully modulated English public-school accent.
When I worked at Late Night (oh, no, not another of his tedious stories about the old days!)
Putting a bad and tedious story in a game is worse that putting no story in it at all.
I even went so far as to re-read father's tedious story, trying very hard to prove to myself - and to my mother - that I'd really have nothing to add.
To truncate a long and tedious story, it has not so far succeeded.
In place of an intelligent mystery thriller, we have a tedious story with a contrived ending.
(Oh no, not another of his tedious stories!)
It's a tedious story, full of mistakes and regrettable lapses into many of those vices you abhor.
"That would be a long and tedious story, Old Man."