And without even breathing hard, we got you to completely ignore adult smoking, which is the foundation for teen smoking.
Even better, we got you to demand huge penalties for teen smoking when every study ever done suggests the higher the penalties, the more kids smoke.
They also won't accept any funding for the fight against teen smoking if it's tied to company profits and Paul will insist on that.
The antismoking groups all agree that it's time to decriminalize teen smoking and work with kids on a grassroots level.
Our goal is to reduce teen smoking, not increase taxes.
But a White House spokesman said the proposal "falls a little bit short" of the President's call to curb teen smoking.
"Reducing teen smoking has always been America's bottom line," the President said.
The LAT front reports that teen smoking is on the rise, jumping by nearly a third in the past six years.
- The teen smoking epidemic does not simply illustrate the Law of the Few, however.
So, led by Mike Moore, they decided to aim their attack at teen smoking.