The story follows four teen-age friends through a hellish Saturday night after one accidentally shoots and kills another's elder brother.
The spokesman said the gun discharged and struck the boy, who was standing at a kitchen table with a teen-age friend.
Virtually every hand went up over the loss of grandparents, parents, siblings and teen-age friends, including suicides.
Along with my teen-age friends, I ate there a number of times in the late 1930's and early 40's.
The second occurred when he witnessed the fatal stabbing of one teen-age friend by another.
He envisioned his teen-age friends back home in hilly Sussex County taking up the sport, too.
She went with four teen-age friends to one of their homes.
He said before the launching that he was packing a tape of a rap group made for him by a teen-age friend.
My son and his teen-age friends flip over those at local fast-food restaurants.
There is her bungled effort to "rescue" a teen-age friend from marrying Gordon.