As many as 4,500 teen-age parents could be forced back to school because of the legislation, they say.
The handful of high schools specifically for teen-age parents operate at capacity, with roughly 800 students.
The center provides stable care enabling the teen-age parents to finish their education.
Requiring teen-age parents on welfare to live at home or under adult supervision.
My teen-age parents married because they didn't know any better.
Even if the teen-age parents get jobs, where will they live?
Governor Whitman's proposal would offer job training, day care and incentives for teen-age parents to finish their education.
Similarly, they provide substantial additional services for teen-age and other young parents who are recipients of public financial assistance in our county.
If they are teen-age parents, they will have to go to school and live under adult supervision.
The adults who work with the teen-age parents and their children see progress in somewhat different terms.