"I can tell by the response - not only the checks but narratives coming in from teen-age students and adults."
Fade out for the first day of Channel One, a news program for teen-age students complete with commercials.
In the colleges, where the teen-age students were bigger and less docile, violence was even worse.
A teacher develops a pathological hatred for a teen-age student and drives her to an attempted suicide.
More to the point, authors of these texts are not allowed to write stimulating, intriguing books for teen-age students.
IT'S the time of year when teen-age students and their families discuss summer school, summer travel or a semester overseas.
Many passengers were teen-age students returning home at the end of the school term, survivors said.
Two teen-age students were injured, and investigators at first thought one of them had been carrying the device in a backpack.
Among them were executives, educators and, like Miss Hernandez, teen-age students with after-school jobs.
The missing ranged in age from 13 to 73, including eight teen-age students.