She also discusses teen-age suicide with her students as part of her death and dying course.
This is the trap into which Clementi, and perhaps some of the other teen-age suicides, fell.
Heavy-metal groups reinforce the idea of seeing teen-age suicide as a cool solution, a game no one should avoid.
For many parents worried about teen-age suicide, the question is why now?
For instance, his letter said, the Board had reported that all 32 school districts had been given training in the prevention of teen-age suicide.
Because the film begins and ends with the thought of teen-age suicide, it offers a potentially despairing answer to that question.
South Boston should not be singled out as uniquely having experienced a series of teen-age suicides.
The actual number of successful teen-age suicides is believed to be much greater, but many are recorded as accidents.
In a high proportion of teen-age suicides, drugs or alcohol are involved.
One third of successful teen-age suicides are said to be attributable to sexual orientation issues.