In 2010, Brooke accidentally sleeps with Oliver Jones, Hope Logan's teenage boyfriend.
"It makes me nostalgic for teenage boyfriends," she said.
Once Gilbert's teenage boyfriend (until an unfortunate case of crabs, caught from one of Gilbert's many sugar daddies, broke them up), Philip is a struggling writer with only minimal talent.
Kamar de los Reyes as Luis (Season 2) - Luis was the teenage boyfriend of Nina Moreno, whom he married after she became pregnant.
Carolina Gómez has been married and separated twice, with Nicolas Hoyos, her teenage boyfriend and father of her son, Tomas.
In her stories, the daughter of an immigrant family is stalked by a young man from the old country; a couple lose a child to crib death; a divorced woman succumbs to an embarrassing seduction by her daughter's teenage boyfriend.
Revenge on Poland on the part of the Prussian authorities or a concession to an outraged public may have played a role, or that she was a 38-year-old woman who had a teenage boyfriend.
She resigned from her Westminster seat last year after a scandal involving her teenage boyfriend.
Instead of religious reverie, her days and nights are crowded with images of her family and teenage boyfriend, as her thoughts circle a sin so horrific she has tried to ban it from memory.