Bruno, a handsome singer and teenage heartthrob, comes to town to shoot a video.
He was known as a teenage heartthrob in the early 90s while starring in the Australian TV soap E Street as the character "Wheels".
A teenage heartthrob as Bud Anderson on "Father Knows Best," he started making stained-glass sculptures after a drug arrest in 1962 crippled his show business career.
Unlike the usually quick-fading male teenage heartthrobs, the diva lineage they're claiming is characterized by precocious beginnings that lead to long careers.
With his perfectly braided cornrows, broad smile and long, curly eyelashes, Malcolm could pass for a teenage heartthrob.
And in an unlikely person, a teenage heartthrob, a young, hard-living actor.
Meanwhile a new girl in town tries to talk Bradin (the current teenage heartthrob Jesse McCartney) into going to college.
He had a smile that bespoke confidence and experience, yet his eyes sparkled with the vibrancy of a teenage heartthrob.
The site, which focuses on teenage heartthrobs, health, dating and fashion, is highly popular.
Young Ponta, in human form, falls for Mirai, a local teenage heartthrob, almost instantly.