But even if these movies appeal to young people, neither is strictly speaking a teenage movie.
Beyond the stock characters in teenage movies, pop culture has plenty of celebrity role models who have made it cool to admire one's parents.
That doesn't make it a suitable teenage movie, however.
Director Fujita had previously made teenage delinquent movies for the studio.
At times "Strong Shoulders" feels like an amusing perversion of all the teenage movies that encourage kids just to be themselves.
At its simplest, as in so many teenage movies, the illusion of entertainment eschews other forms of engagement for purely physical effects.
And when you have teenage movies, it makes your Monday-to-Thursday business so much better because the kids are out of school.
It happened against an unfamiliar Twins right-hander named Scott Baker, a dimpled 24-year-old with the look of teenage movie usher.
This is the man who directed the 1999 film "American Pie," one of the most juvenile (and successful) teenage movies of the last decade.
She started writing a book on teenage movies and, after several years, applied to the film school at the University of California at Los Angeles.