He has encountered teenage orphans, single mothers, a racist truck driver and a homeless comedian.
The film portrays a day, a night and the following day in the life of a teenage orphan, Nina, who lives in a group home.
Van Flyheight is a teenage orphan of the previous war between the Republic and Empire.
Two teenage orphans, Daud and Farraj, attach themselves to Lawrence as his servants.
Love Without Boundaries currently sponsors the education of almost 200 children and teenage orphans throughout China from preschool all the way through college.
Their Preparation for Adult Life Program equips teenage orphans with life skills needed for when they age out of the orphanage.
Nevertheless, he did work as a physician in a Children's Home at Broût-Vernet (Allier), catering principally to young teenage orphans.
Through trade with Europeans he acquired firearms and money, and organised armies consisting mostly of teenage orphans.
Much to Ms. André's delight, a teenage orphan, a male, arrived recently.
One in five teenage orphans said outsiders had seized their belonging after their parents had died.