The teenage singer had sold her soul for fame and fortune, but she didn't read the fine print in her contract.
Jack Vidgen, a teenage singer and season 5 winner of Australia's Got Talent.
Goldstein produced a single with teenage singer, Nancy Baron in 1963 ("where did my Jimmy go?"
She is a teenage singer, music composer, songwriter and rock musician.
She was selected as one of the top-ten teenage singers in a national singing competition in Beijing.
Gita Gutawa, a teenage singer, was cast in the leading role of Lola.
December 4 - Lila McCann, teenage singer of 1990s.
The teenage singer collapsed sobbing when she heard the news.
She started her career as a teenage singer in 1976.
LG Mobile signed the teenage singer Rihanna, whose songs appeal to the young audience it is aiming for.