The cases range from minor attacks by teenage vandals and disgruntled employees to highly sophisticated intrusions possibly directed by foreign intelligence services, he said.
On 23 June 2006, a £20,000 stained glass window was damaged by teenage vandals and a ceremonial sword stolen, recovered soon after.
Thinking it might be a burglar or teenage vandal, he turned off his car lights and drove closer.
In the episode, Leslie attempts to catch a suspected teenage vandal in the act of defacing a public statue.
In August 2007 the town council expressed concern at the dilapidated state of the ground, describing it as "a magnet for teenage vandals".
The dead are beyond caring about frolicking couples or teenage vandals.
While living in Jerome, Idaho, Sixx became a teenage vandal, breaking into neighbors' homes, shoplifting, and being expelled from school for selling drugs.
Police are blaming the fire on a group of teenage vandals who have been getting into trouble all over town.
Home Secretary Michael Howard is demanding a report on the case of a teenage vandal who walked free from court after admitting stabbing his neighbour to death.
Home Secretary Michael Howard is asking his officials to closely examine the case of a teenage vandal who walked free from court despite admitting he killed a vigilante.