Her rhythms seemed telegraphic messages sent across the world to inform everyone everywhere of her progress.
Early uses were maritime, for sending telegraphic messages using Morse code between ships and land.
A single person was in the room whence the telegraphic messages were dispatched.
In the late 19th Century Western Union allowed telegraphic messages on its network to be sent to multiple destinations.
All wagons for public traffic had a code name that was used in telegraphic messages.
This later spread throughout the system and allowed stations to use telegraphic messages to tell the people operating the signals when each train arrived safely.
One of the men-servants appeared, with a telegraphic message in his hand.
Or the station could serve for the transmission of telegraphic messages from one continent to another.
In 1914 he served briefly as censor of telegraphic messages before his official career ended, appropriately, in a row over his salary.
The first telegraphic message was received in the city via Albany, New York in 1840.