But the following day problems with the telemetry equipment kept the prototype firmly on the ground.
The P.R.C. has provided Iran with ballistic missile technology, including guidance components and the recent transfer of telemetry equipment.
The equipment to be tested under high acceleration or high airspeed conditions was installed along with appropriate instrumentation, data recording and telemetry equipment on the sled.
Mims, the club's senior advisor, told Flynn about the various sensors and telemetry equipment used by the club.
She received advanced tracking and telemetry equipment and anti-roll stabilization tanks.
As in other telecommunications fields, international standards exist for telemetry equipment and software.
Can mobile phones be used safely in hospitals and near medical telemetry equipment?
The RPS consists of tape recorders, telemetry equipment, and computers to perform analysis and data reduction.
All pieces of medical telemetry equipment are classified as "secondary devices" that must yield to licensed broadcasters in a given broadcast spectrum.
Since July 2000, channel 37 may also be used in the U.S. for medical telemetry equipment on a co-primary basis.