Operationally, loss of the telemetry signals is coped with in various fail-safe manners.
And the U.S. has had second thoughts about demanding full access to all telemetry signals broadcast by missiles during test flights.
Mr. Perry eventually learned to use other information, like data on the orbits published by American agencies and the coded information the telemetry signals.
But the telemetry signals were identical on the second pass, and the third and the fourth.
The voice was riding the telemetry signal from the tug.
In reality, they were specialized receiver antennas used for intercepting telemetry signals from Soviet space and missile launches.
Eventually, the Russians discovered the US intelligence-gathering network and encrypted their missile-test telemetry signals.
The spacecraft team observed noise intrusion on the telemetry signal sent from the spacecraft to the ground station.
Power systems are constantly monitored, and data on power and all other onboard systems is sent to Earth stations in the form of telemetry signals.
It did it once more between retrofire and the receipt of the 0.05 g (0.49 m/s2) light telemetry signal.