They then wake in the infirmary, where Doctor Bashir reveals that the anomaly triggered a telepathic experience similar to the great link.
Freud started to collect telepathic experiences from second hand sources to gather more information in order to further his research and complete many writings on the subject.
Our very last telepathic experience had peaked with the birth of Erin and the death of Solace.
As telepathic experiences go, I mean.
What Maslin was describing sounded like a telepathic experience, but the talent was rare among humans.
My only contribution is to show that Freud also placed religious or telepathic experiences in the same category - without investigating their possible factuality.
And Finn had not been present for either of our previous telepathic experiences, either, having been absent the first time and deeply comatose the second.
Such transmissions lay behind telepathic experiences, including shared thoughts.
It was not the telepathic experience it could become with practice and study, of course-pethaps even less so than a simple sporting event might have been.
It is well known that certain types of telepathic and empathic experiences can be addictive.