The commission awarded a limited increase of $160 million to the telephone utility last August to cover employee wage and local tax increases.
Rather early on, a foothold was gotten in one of the telephone utilities in the Chicago area.
Contel operates telephone utilities in 30 states and offers special telecommunications services to business and government.
Administration of the fund is governed by committees, including representatives from consumer groups and telephone utilities.
The C.W.A. pact is the final settlement in strikes against regional telephone utilities.
During his term in office, he advocated the sale of ATU, the municipal telephone utility.
She is a retired office manager for U.S. West, the telephone utility.
The telephone utility serving this area today is Frontier Communications.
In the debate over how Manhattan should allocate a new area code to supplement "212," the telephone utilities are as divided as the public.
For review of action of statewide agencies relating to rates or service of electric, gas, and telephone utilities.