"That depends entirely upon Miss Mac Fergus I daresay I shall telephone you within a day or so."
Soby by his own account telephoned to every Western Union office within 50 miles of Farmington until he found one that would cable Paris to confirm the deal.
Commenting that he would telephone his mother within the next day or so, the Professor urged Meg out to the car and drove to his own home.
"He will telephone within the hour with the details."
The hotel operator told her that the caller had hung up, but had stated that he would telephone the hotel again, within the next half hour.
They'll telephone every farmer within twenty mile of here in every direction, an' they'll get you sure.
"I'll telephone you within ten minutes."
The owner ofle bob was telephoned and arrived within half an hour, eager to put his new machine into active service.
But under Federal Communication Commission regulations, telephone customers in areas where overlays are used must dial eleven digits even when they were telephoning someone within their own area code.
I shall telephone him within an hour and suggest that he bring you-and other persons-to my office.