The first telescopic images of earth taken by astronauts in space were with a Questar 3-1/2" from a Gemini spacecraft.
We'd never have seen it, of course, but Hal provided a telescopic image: just a smooth ball of molten rock on the Brightside.
The crew also made solar observations, recording about 75,000 new telescopic images of the Sun.
It has recorded the deepest telescopic image made, showing galaxies as they existed a few hundred million years after the Big Bang.
A vision-screen faded out and brightened again with a relayed telescopic image.
The public helped to scan telescopic images for possible mission candidates by participating in the Ice Hunters project, although that project is now finished.
The telescopic images included a few million stars all told.
The Italian team analyzed telescopic images of the supernova remnant that were recorded by separate astronomical observatories in 1984, 1987 and 1992.
But he said these were also probably small, judging from the intensity of the light they reflected in telescopic images and radar.
Astronomers use a similar technique to pick up fine details in telescopic images of distant faint objects.