It has long been clear that the Supreme Court's refusal to allow televised coverage of its proceedings has done more than deprive the public of its right to observe the machinery of government at work.
-- The wise decision by State Supreme Court Justice Joseph Teresi to allow televised coverage of the Amadou Diallo murder trial in Albany has underscored the Legislature's error when it let the state's successful 10-year experiment with cameras in the courtroom lapse in 1997.
In last year's attempted coup against Mr. Silver, in which some lawmakers tried to remove him as speaker, even some of his fellow Democrats chastised him for helping to block televised coverage.
According to AlterNet and The Washington Post, the terms were coined by journalist Tim Russert, during his televised coverage of the 2000 presidential election.
She also commissioned a study conducted in 1989 and again in 1994 that focused on the difference between televised coverage of men's and women's sports.
If he is guilty, televised coverage has not "ravaged justice" but exposed injustice.
It is too bad the court still refuses to allow televised coverage of its proceedings, thereby depriving the public of access that could prove enormously instructive.
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