While it was in television syndication for 15 years, it is no longer airing on television.
The program ended its successful run in 1948 as Ripley prepared to convert the show format to television syndication.
The documentary series was consolidated into 13 hour-long episodes for American television syndication.
Mr. Carta, who was not injured, said he hoped to sell the program for television syndication.
"The real problem is a misunderstanding on how television syndication works."
Analysts raised questions about the future health of one Multimedia business - television syndication.
Some awards telecasts had also been shown in television syndication.
Pay television, syndication and foreign theatrical rights also produce hefty chunks of revenue.
Movie studios pay big money for the right to recycle books and plays, and they in turn sell their rights to television syndication.
It was released only on 16mm for home movie rental and television syndication.