A psychiatrist told ABC that this would disturb children.
"She's tired, she needs some time off," he told ABC.
"I had one of those great weeks when everything went my way," she told ABC after her final-round 68 yesterday at Mission Hills.
"At a crime scene, people don't leave the gun very often," the governor told ABC.
Maes told ABC that his daughters, who are six and eight years old, began crying as they watched Davis hit him.
After today's game, Mason told ABC he thought it was best for his family and career to stay at Kansas.
Mercedes-Benz told ABC last week that it would keep sponsoring the race, but would not buy commercial time next year.
"We don't think that we're that hot," the teens told ABC regarding their lyrics.
"I've had a lot of experience with not being liked and all that," she tells ABC.
"What I said was normal relations, just as we have with other countries," he told ABC.