Renee later shares the news with all her friends and Ben tells Bree that the body was found.
Renee later tells Bree during the wedding planning that the police don't believe Ben knew about the body being there.
During the party, Karl shows up and tells Bree about the banner that will be flying overhead.
They both eventually come to terms but Lynette tells Bree that she is going to be honest with the lawyer.
The therapist tells Bree she must be more patient, or she will be reported.
She takes it badly, and tells Bree in return that Danielle is sleeping with her history teacher.
We don't hear what Orson tells Bree, just her reaction.
Claude tells Bree that he cannot since Peter will regress.
At the party, he tells Bree he wants a divorce.
He then tells Bree that after she dumped him off on the side of the road, Andrew has taken up hustling.