Yankovic told NPR that this was the first time a record label has denied a release of one of his parodies.
As he told NPR's All Things Considered, "It's such a diverse country, and you want something that reaches out to everybody."
In 2005 he told NPR that he was "not comfortable with intelligent design being taught in the science classroom".
She told NPR she was under intense pressure to recant her allegations; even her own lawyers want her to change her story.
And also, she didn't care about this interview," she told NPR.
By virtue of its being "paved over" with corn, Iowa is, in its way, the most developed state in the country, he told NPR.
"I'm so attached to Pam's journey," she told NPR in 2009.
Raised as a Zoroastrian, Guzder told NPR that her own beliefs center on "good words, good thoughts, good deeds".
He compared it to fascism saying "Technically speaking, it's more like fascism," Mackey told NPR.
One driver told NPR: "I have no choice but to drive this car since I earn my living working here.