After the game, no one had to tell Williams that he struggled.
Gonzalez might tell Williams, though, that he hadn't been the most adored player on the island in recent years.
Torre said there was nothing new he could tell Williams, who wants to be guaranteed a place on the 25-man roster.
Andrews told Williams that he had lost the range of motion in his left shoulder.
The two did not even mention the Carolina offer until the next day, when Smith told Williams it was the right move for him.
The doctors told Williams the swelling could go down in a year or two, potentially giving him a chance of walking again.
"That's a challenge you have to take to change that perception," Nix said he told Williams.
Posada told Williams that he missed him and would miss him throughout the season.
The Giants must tell Williams in the off season if they intend to keep him.
"God has given you a platform where you can take care of your family," Robinson said he told Williams.