"Starting so young as an artist at 12 years old," she tells Yahoo!
"My big job now is raising my kids," he told Yahoo!
The owners made "significant moves" toward the players on several important system issues that long separated the two sides, a union source told Yahoo!
"Expect to see a lot of people heading to the bar when he comes on," one publicist told Yahoo!
But I would hope that they told Google and Yahoo!
While his financial records prior to 2003 have remained difficult to completely detail, sources told Yahoo!
"It wasn't about the controversy because at that point I was there," he told Yahoo!
"Tony is all about hard work," the source told Yahoo!
"He came off as a young man that was in love with his girlfriend and really wanted to surprise her," the school's office manager told Yahoo!
"I don't see any irony in that," White told Yahoo!