"I feel like the leader of the dance band on the Titanic," he told the legislators at a hearing last week.
"I reject that [ notion ] categorically," he told a House subcommittee at a recent hearing on the agency's proposed budget.
He told the senators at a hearing in June that he had flown a career total of 2,000 hours.
Anderson told colleagues at a legislative hearing about a video that depicts a salvia user behind the wheel of a car.
"You can expect I will be asking for a prolongation," Mr. Milosevic told the judges at a recent hearing.
He told one group of witnesses at a hearing: "These are the prettiest witnesses we have had in a long time.
Genentech, for example, told Congress at a recent hearing that its research and development costs for human growth hormone were $320 million.
In 1978, he told the F.D.A. at a hearing that the company should do studies to make sure the reactions were not serious.
He told lawmakers at a hearing that increasing state revenues would pay for the changes.
"You are creating districts purely based on the color of people's skin," he told the 15-member commission at a hearing attended by 150 people in downtown Brooklyn.