"I'm not good enough to be invited," he told a reporter before leaving town.
Antiope told Hippolyta before leaving that she could never trust her again.
He told an Associated Press photographer about the outing before leaving.
They claimed that he told doctors at the hospital of his resignation before leaving.
The security situation is extremely serious," she told reporters before leaving for Geneva.
"They have no mandate for negotiations or signing," he told reporters before leaving Zagreb.
"Remember," he told the audience, before finally leaving the stage, "you're never alone with the Dirty Three."
She snaps at him to go away, and he tells her his hotel room number before leaving.
"You're voting to hurt me," he told the legislator point-blank, his voice trembling, before leaving in the middle of the meeting.
He told reporters before leaving Guatemala that increased military aid is one of the subjects he wants to discuss with American officials.