Remember, you don't need to tell your boss - or co-workers - that your conflict is a ski trip.
Boldly tell co-workers of the book you read last night - when everyone else was tuned to "the game.
Less than half the men surveyed, however, had told co-workers, compared with 62 percent of women.
Then, she told co-workers, she understood the deal being offered.
After his dismissal, Wise told co-workers he would "be back."
He later told co-workers he had agreed to resign.
Cox told co-workers about the book, and elaborated its details to them.
Tell your friends, family, and co-workers that you're trying to quit.
He is also notoriously private, refusing to tell even co-workers where he lives.
On May 11, 1961, he told co-workers, "I'm going downtown" and headed for the airport instead.