"The Race to Fashoda" tells of the respective countries' attempts to remove it.
The lyrics tell of the narrator's failed attempts to hitch a ride from an intersection as night approaches.
Set in 1790, it tells of Kongō's attempts to have Shintarō assassinated by ninja of different schools, until they eventually turn on him instead.
The song is a ballad that tells of a young man's attempts to express his love to his father, despite the father's constant distance from his son.
It tells of Sister Helen's attempts to save the soul of a murderer sentenced to death.
There he tells of Gondor's attempts to keep the power of Mordor at bay.
Sherman told him of his vain attempts to reach Maria.
A cruel glimmer lit her green eyes as she told him of Annie's futile attempts to prepare herself for a film comeback that seemed more remote every day.
The narrative tells of Ronson's attempts to infiltrate the "shadowy cabal" fabled, by these conspiracy theorists, to rule the world.
Random (another brother) tells of his attempts to rescue Brand (also a brother), and Corwin decides to find out what happened to the latter.