"He says to me, 'Come and take the municipality of Jenin,' " the P.L.O. chairman told other worshipers.
"I beg of you please," he told worshipers at the Maranatha Baptist Church in Jamaica.
Speaking in English, he told worshipers that "the jihad will continue" and that "you have to come and to fight a jihad to liberate Jerusalem."
In the day's sermon he told worshipers they were constantly being tested by adversity.
"Every effort will be made to make restitution to this parish community," Bishop Lori told worshipers.
"The B.N.P. are looking for opportunities to take advantage of this," Mr. Iqbal told worshipers on Friday.
"Today it is giving Senator Obama the chance to run for president," Mrs. Clinton told worshipers at the First Baptist Church, to enthusiastic applause.
Last week he told worshipers it is their religious duty to vote.
For example, he tells worshipers that the Soviet leader's plan to base workers' pay on their performance is firmly grounded in the Koran.
"Racism in our country and in this metropolitan area is a fact," he told worshipers, adding, "racism is a sin."