On a day when temperatures reached the low 80's and had barely declined by game time, the 1940-vintage building was a virtual sweatbox tonight.
"As is typical of desert environments, the temperature should decline rapidly after sunset."
But if you want to brave the elements, this a particularly good week on the Island to see what happens when temperatures decline.
Yes, we know that at sunset on the Moon the temperature declines by over three hundred degrees in a single hour.
The temperature declined a little, due no doubt to the clouds reflecting more of the Sun's radiation back into space.
Thermocline: the region of the sea in which temperature gradually declines with depth.
However, at this point, it is not yet possible to say whether, on a hemispheric scale, temperatures declined from the 11-12th to the 16-17th century.
The universal temperature is declining as the two-thirds power of time.
At the same time, the temperature declined as though the Ranyhyn ran toward realms of ice.
However temperatures can decline as low as -10 C and frosts are common.