The high and low temperature forecast in Phoenix for the next five days looks like a lopsided N.B.A. score: 115-88.
Temperature at game time Tuesday night, when light rain could fall, is expected to be in the 45- to 50-degree range, but the high temperature forecast for Wednesday is only 42 and for Thursday is 40 to 45.
The temperature forecast was issued with probability factors ranging from 55 to 65 percent, "and that is an unusually high degree of confidence for us for this time of year," said Donald Gilman, the meteorologist who heads the long-range team.
One of his first clients was E.J. Brach & Sons in Chicago, which used regional temperature forecasts to determine when and where it would be safe to ship its chocolates without melting.
They must submit written reports whenever they err by more than 5 degrees centigrade in their temperature forecasts or whenever predictions of rain fail to come true.
The area also experiences a greater range of temperature forecasts compared to other areas in Illawarra.
The weather report includes the current meteorological situation in Central Europe, a map of the province with the forecast for the next day, a map with the temperature forecast in the main cities and a forecast for the next three days.
The maximum temperature is the highest temperature forecast between dawn and dusk, and the minimum temperature is the lowest temperature expected from dusk on the day in question to dawn the next day.
For example, improved temperature forecasts can benefit the energy industries.
A measure of relief was on the way, however, with the high temperature forecast to be 93 today and 87 tomorrow.