Another Reported Breakthrough Until now fusion has been achieved only at temperatures close to those found in the sun.
At the high temperatures found on the surface of Venus, these minerals would gradually evaporate.
The weakened viruses only cause infection in the cooler temperatures found in the nose.
At the high temperatures and pressures found at depth within the Earth the olivine structure is no longer stable.
The biggest problem, he said, would be developing equipment that could work at the extremely cold temperatures found at the poles.
The chamber is filled with air, water vapour, selected trace gases and can be operated at any temperature or pressure found in the atmosphere.
The whales can only cope with the moderate temperatures found between 20 and 60 degrees in latitude.
But what happens to it under the immense temperatures and pressures found there?
Note that the speed of sound decreases somewhat with altitude, due to lower temperatures found there (typically up to 25 km).
The corrosions resistance is particularly useful when dealing with the high temperatures and pressures found in a diesel engine.