August is warmest with an average temperature of 79.16 F at noon.
January is coldest with an average temperature of 33.8 F at night.
Extreme temperatures of 20 F or lower is extremely rare, usually happening about once every five years.
A temperature of 459.67 F is exactly equal to 0 R.
A rectal temperature of 100.5 F or above should always be considered a fever.
This includes anyone with a temperature of 101.3 F or higher.
If a temperature of around 74 F is maintained, germination takes place very quickly.
However, temperatures of up to 74 F are tolerated.
The game began in cloudy weather with a temperature of 60 F before the sun came out in the second half.
Unseasonably warm weather saw a temperature of 55 F at 7:00 am.