The effective temperature of 5,585 K gives the star a yellow hue.
The star has a temperature of 5407 K and luminosity 1.14 solar.
At the temperature of 4.2 K, he observed that the resistance abruptly disappeared.
Above it lies the solar corona, rising to a temperature of 1-2 million K.
The star has an effective temperature of 6300 K, making it also hotter than the Sun.
The outer atmosphere has a temperature of approximately 6,220 K, which is relatively cool for a white dwarf.
The star is approximately 3.8 billion years old, and has an effective temperature of 5647 K (9,705 F).
It has temperature of 6028 K and luminosity of 1.75 solar.
With an effective temperature of 5647 K, Kepler-6 is cooler than the Sun.
With an effective temperature of 5627 K, Kepler-10 is cooler than the Sun.