But the temporal phenomena can never be the objects of knowledge because they are ever mutable and unintelligible.
The starship Enterprise encounters a future version of itself that, due to a temporal phenomenon, had been sent back 117 years into the past.
Divinity can only be understood from analogous comparisons to the spacial and temporal phenomena we understand.
Nor is it secondary memory, which is a recollection of a past temporal phenomenon.
Nearby stood the modest Federation outpost dedicated to studying and protecting the temporal phenomenon.
The change of taste remained a temporal phenomenon.
He was the one who shifted my field of interest from black-hole event horizons to temporal phenomena.
"A temporal phenomenon that caused us to repeat a series of events," said Picard.
And much of the temporal phenomenon that the Enterprise experienced was due to the ship's close proximity to the large gravity well of a star.
It should provide a precise and consistent language for the discussion of temporal phenomena.