This led to a new eruption of fighting in which forces from Lucca temporarily controlled Florence.
You are temporarily controlling my wife's body.
My wife is a psychic sensitive and you are temporarily controlling her body.
He was followed by a third entity, but this intelligence was aware of being a spirit, temporarily controlling a borrowed body.
Dr. You are now a free spirit, temporarily controlling a woman's body.
Gem is a neuro-dominator, able to temporarily control the bodies of others.
The surgeon connects the donor heart to the major blood vessels and hooks the heart up to wires that temporarily control the heartbeat.
And Continental Airlines expects to distribute today more than 430,000 pieces of a gum designed to temporarily control the urge.
Following this, it appears that the gauntlet weapon itself is temporarily controlling Green, forcing him to acquire the sword element of the alien's armor.
The scheme allowed Seemala to temporarily control more stock than allowed under the covenants.