A customs office between the Principality of Bulgaria and Eastern Rumelia was temporarily established in 1878.
Due to this controversy an edit filter was temporarily established on Wikipedia to prevent the removal of the plates.
It was temporarily established in New Zealand from 2007 until 2009.
The time of death has been temporarily established as within the past forty-eight hours.
The first Inquisition was temporarily established in Languedoc (south of France) in 1184.
To draft common positions or organise joint events, informal working groups are temporarily established.
The camp was established temporarily in 1948 after the Arab-Israeli conflict, but it is still in existence today.
Vikings also were established there temporarily, in 855, holding the town until 889.
Overseas Voting Committee is temporarily established at overseas embassies for the presidential election and the National Assembly elections conducted following the termination of office.
In 1889, a "Second Division" of the Court of Appeals was established temporarily to help to decide the large number of cases.