He even fled temporarily to Moscow, hoping things back in Berlin would cool off.
Both women are temporarily fleeing tired marriages that will soon be ripped apart by new and random tragedies.
The Gang fled temporarily to Belgium, where they sold the stolen automobile and tried to carjack another.
Their marriage caused a scandal, and the couple was forced to temporarily flee to Paris.
However, there are reports that some of the Jews that were in Jerusalem temporarily fled to neighboring villages.
Residents temporarily fled homes, businesses, and even hospitals for fear of aftershocks.
Diana temporarily flees her home after the birth of her daughter Brigid, unable to deal with the young girl's autism.
This incident caused the inquisitors to temporarily flee Carcassonne.
If the interference is serious enough to cause a resident to flee temporarily, homeowners' insurance may cover the cost of replacement housing.
Most of the settlers fled temporarily to Austin's colony.