Recent research suggests the rising cacophony could temporarily or permanently impair the hearing of some marine mammals, hurting their ability to communicate or navigate.
One common cause of this is the presence of maternal antibodies that temporarily impair thyroid function for several weeks.
The net launcher is used to temporarily impair Dinosaurs.
Conway swallowed, blinked away the fog that was temporarily impairing his vision, and backed slowly out of the room.
Though the accident temporarily impaired his hearing, he drew inspiration for the album from his ordeal.
If one does not wear a protective mask or goggles, it is possible to temporarily impair one's vision.
LSD may temporarily impair the ability to make sensible judgments and understand common dangers, thus making the user more susceptible to accidents and personal injury.
On Dec. 18, a small stroke temporarily impaired his speech but caused no apparent permanent damage.
Beginning in late 1991, a mysterious disease called neuropathy swept across the island, temporarily impairing the vision or physical functioning of 50,000.