In addition, each puff of smoke may temporarily inhibit a protein that normally protects the lungs from the destructive enzyme.
Generally, these products leave behind a clear film, usually silicone, that temporarily inhibits further tarnish.
The ability to temporarily inhibit interrupts, ensuring that the currently running process cannot be context switched, also suffices on a uniprocessor.
The suppressant temporarily inhibits the cough by calming the central nervous system.
The tannic acid in tea temporarily inhibits sweat production.
This temporarily inhibited the development of Igbo, along with other languages of West Africa.
These will also eliminate corrosion and generally leave a clear film, usually silicone, that temporarily inhibits further tarnishing.
- No, it temporarily inhibits brain function though in large quantities.
The researchers theorize that these abdominal fat cells can temporarily inhibit the brain from making corticotropin-releasing factor, reducing feelings of stress and anxiety.
For instance, the superoxide anion is known to temporarily inhibit the function of catalase at high concentrations.