In April 2011, a Provisional Order was issued by the Athens Court temporarily prohibiting the operation of the dolphinarium.
The order temporarily prohibits them from soliciting business from their former clients, recruiting former employees to their new firm and using files they might have taken when they left.
The Senate approved and sent legislation to President Reagan today that temporarily prohibits the Government from denying visas to foreigners because of their political beliefs.
Merrill might, for example, race to court for a restraining order temporarily prohibiting a departing broker from contacting his clients.
Later the Harlingen City Commission got a court order that temporarily prohibits the Federal agency from using the office.
The walkout ended about seven hours later after Judge Inzer B. Wyatt of Federal District Court in Manhattan signed an order temporarily prohibiting the job action.
Remove person's /Issue person's banning orders (these are usually issued in cases of Anti-Social Behaviour) to temporarily prohibit a person's re-entry to the airport.
A Federal judge yesterday temporarily prohibited two overnight cargo-delivery companies from conducting air-cargo flights.
It was the first day of trading for the stock, and with Nasdaq rules temporarily prohibiting firms from making markets in the stock, there was little trading.
Business travel, already weak, has dropped further - with some companies temporarily prohibiting trips by air.