The northern track of the bridge was restored temporarily in 1947.
This product would temporarily restore the cladding for a period of about 6 months.
But history has always allowed the downtrodden one night somewhere in any calendar to restore temporarily the balance of the world.
February: The railroad is temporarily restored, but soon destroyed again by enemy aircraft.
He relents, forgives his wife, and peace is temporarily restored to life at court.
Peace was temporarily restored through a four-year truce that expired in 1338.
With the rebellion put down and peace at least temporarily restored Choe's thoughts turned towards home.
Because this service is a national network of libraries, your service can be restored temporarily wherever you find yourself.
She brings Anton a mushroom that temporarily restores his size.
Traction current was temporarily restored to the slow lines for the Tuesday morning rush hour and returned to traffic at 15:40 that afternoon.