Vermin gained the ability to temporarily revert to his human form.
The radars were removed and the boats temporarily reverted to general purpose submarines after 1959.
Several subsequent batches temporarily reverted to the original, Russian AL-31F turbofans.
He thought it politic to revert temporarily to the name Jacob.
As Curletts Road, the road temporarily reverts to two lanes divided by a flush median.
The national team format was kept in the coming years, and only reverted to the trade team system in 1962 temporarily and 1969 permanently.
Tianjin was also temporarily reverted to sub-provincial city status around the 1960s.
If the player depletes their power by overuse of the celestial brush, Amaterasu will temporarily revert to this mundane white form.
It temporarily reverted to a handicap in 1951.
And I reverted temporarily, at least, to that expression, and of course, I wish I hadn't.