As Villarreal won 1-0 against Levsky Sofia, Lazio was sent temporarily at the third place of the group.
Trotsky was temporarily sent to the Southern Front, while the work in Moscow was informally coordinated by Smilga.
When Shishakli was ousted, Sarraj was temporarily sent to Paris as an assistant military attache.
They separated and she went to her ancestral place, Shillong after Ritwik was temporarily sent to a mental hospital.
Several veteran prosecutors and investigators have been temporarily sent to the nation's capital to assist in the effort.
They were temporarily sent to other institutions.
Those systems have been sent temporarily and are not a part of the sale, the Pentagon has said.
It was smaller than Bunce Court, so a group of the youngest children were sent temporarily to a school in Surrey.
Some inmates have been temporarily sent to other prison systems, as far away as the West Coast.
After being wounded again, he was temporarily sent to the SS-Junkerschule at Bad Tolz as the school commander.