Radiation temporarily stalled the tumors, but her doctors had nothing else to offer.
The Hortas' progress toward the core had been stalled temporarily, but not for long.
It quickly spread throughout the South, reinvigorating a movement that had temporarily stalled in its campaign against racial discrimination.
Although attacks were stalled temporarily in 2004 with new precautions, recently attacks have been on the rise.
The behavior temporarily stalls his relationship with Amy.
Watson's movement up the executive ladder stalled temporarily in the summer of 1994 when Watson had prostate cancer surgery.
None of these German armies was in any shape to do more than temporarily stall the advancing Soviet forces.
"We've developed ways to temporarily stall the Borg during an attack," said Geordi.
Loews pulled out of a similar deal two years ago, citinghardships in the entertainment industry, temporarily stalling redevelopment plans.
Wilson's career was temporarily stalled by a dispute with his former label, Wizard Records, which prevented him from recording for several months.