The next morning, the boats are damaged by an unseen force and everyone is temporarily stranded on a small island.
Comus, who had emptied his cigarette-case, became suddenly clamorous at the prospect of being temporarily stranded without a smoke.
However, the event was cancelled on October 7 by one of the promoters and fighters were temporarily stranded in Macau as a result.
The report states that the incident which left about 200,000 passengers stranded temporarily was caused by "an unfortunate chain reaction caused by separate incidents."
This action endangers the life of Lord, Huntress and Ice, who are temporarily stranded in the middle of the ocean.
And then, just a few months later, a breakdown in scheduling had left the Berkeley mission temporarily stranded at Clendennon III.
No sooner has Alilo arrived than he loses the telephone number of his Parisian contact and is temporarily stranded in the city.
He is a formidable underwater combatant, once nearly killing Optimus Prime in an underwater battle, only losing when he found himself temporarily stranded on land.
Delays and disruptions affected thousands of travelers, who were temporarily stranded at many airports.
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 temporarily stranded the group.