Areflexia is a condition in which tendon reflexes are reduced and it may subside temporarily after a period of exercise.
The project was abandoned, however, as the public's taste for musicals temporarily subsided.
Gradually, because Lord Turn was trying to say something, the din temporarily subsided.
Just after World War II, when the mass flow of migration temporarily subsided, it seemed that the city's racial melting pot had done its job.
The turbulence subsided temporarily when the women served cakes of crushed millet mixed with water and baked on hot stones.
The rain subsided temporarily, allowing play to resume at 10:40, before play was halted for good at 12:05.
Inflation subsided temporarily, but the recession continued with rising unemployment.
There is no efficient way to fight them: they can subside temporarily through intense work and amusements.
In response, hundreds of cult members publicly renounced their confraternity and cult-associated violence temporarily subsided.
Peter tells her that she is a good person and the two reach an understanding and decide to be friends, her fury temporarily subsided.